Risc World 3
Risc World 3.iso
Text File
82 lines
Instructions for use of !LowerHTML
After having downloaded and unzipped the !LowerHTML Application,
drag the Application to a suitable directory on your hard disc. Double
click on the !LowerHTML icon to load it onto the icon bar.
Double click on a HTML file or drag it to the bar icon to enter its
file name into the main 'SetUp' panel slot. Alternatively clicking on
the bar icon brings up the main 'SetUp' panel and the HTML file can be
dragged to this panel, or the file name can be typed manually into the
slot at the top of this panel.
Select options from the 'SetUp' panel and then click on the 'Run'
icon. After a while a translated HTML Text file is offered for saving.
The translated file has the same leaf name as the original, but with
an upper case 'L' infront.
Additional Help is available from the bar icon menu, or by using the
Acorn facility !Help, present in the 'Apps' directory.
The translated file then should duplicate the effect of the original
HTML file, but with selected tags made lower case.
This Application has now been updated in order to also check tag
balance and report on tag match and mismatch. It should be noted that
some tag terminators are only optional.
A proprietary panel appears only upon the first running of the
Application in any one session on your computer. It can be immediately
removed by clicking over it, but it only appears for about five
Please read the file 'ReadMe' within this Application (hold down the
shift key and double click with the mouse pointer over the Application
icon) for conditions of use of this Application.
More programmers' tools and fractal programs can be obtained from:-
Martin Carradus 2003.
Users of !LowerHTML must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
"!LowerHTML is supplied as is. The author disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation,
the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose.
The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or conse-
quential, which may result from the use of !LowerHTML."
!LowerHTML is a "free program" and is provided at no charge
to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your
friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of
another system.
Commercial users of !LowerHTML must register and pay for their
copies of !LowerHTML within 30 days of first use or their license
is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by con-
tacting Martin Carradus.
Anyone distributing !LowerHTML for any kind of remuneration must
first contact Martin Carradus at the address below for authorization.
More free software is available from the web site:- 'www.martinkd.freeuk.com'.
If you have comments, curses or praise write to:-
Martin Carradus,
Leaf Mindcraft,
c/o 27 Wells Road,
West Yorkshire.
LS29 9JE.
(Please enclose s.a.e. if you require a reply)